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Pregnancy Specialist

Capital Women's Care Division 67

OBGYNs located in Ballston, Arlington, VA

From prenatal care to options for delivery, pregnancy involves a seemingly endless stream of important choices. Our providers enjoy educating and caring for women throughout all stages of pregnancy at Capital Women’s Care in the Ballston area of Arlington, Virginia. If you’re looking for a doctor to help guide you through pregnancy, delivery, and recovery, call or click online to schedule an appointment at Capital Women’s Care today.

Pregnancy Q & A

How does an OB/GYN provide prenatal care?

If you just found out you’re pregnant, your entire world may have changed instantly. Although it may feel overwhelming at first, the team at Capital Women’s Care guides you through all the decisions you have to make as an expecting mother.

Some of the services you can expect during prenatal visits at Capital Women’s Health include:

  • Routine ultrasounds and tests
  • Advice on your prenatal diet, exercise, and staying healthy
  • Monitoring your health as well as the health of your growing baby
  • Preparing you for what happens during labor and delivery

They also help you cope with any unpleasant symptoms you may experience, such as morning sickness and fatigue.

What is a high-risk pregnancy?

Throughout your pregnancy, your doctor at Capital Women’s Care checks for health conditions that may cause complications during pregnancy or affect your baby’s health. If you have such a condition, that’s called a high-risk pregnancy.

Some risk factors that may cause a high-risk pregnancy include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes or other existing diseases
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Twins or other multiple births
  • Repeat miscarriages
  • Weakened cervix

How does an OB/GYN assist with labor and delivery?

As the special day approaches, your doctor at Capital Women’s Care helps prepare you for what to expect during labor and delivery of your baby.

In addition to supervising you during labor and delivering your baby, she offers advice and answers to any questions you may have, including:

  • Whether or not to get an epidural
  • Whether to attend childbirth classes
  • What to do with the umbilical cord

What is VBAC?

Whether to deliver your baby through vaginal birth or Cesarean section is an important decision. If you’ve had a Cesarean delivery in the past and are pregnant again, you may want to ask your doctor if you’re a candidate for VBAC, or vaginal birth after cesarean.

The team at Capital Women’s Care provides you with all the information you need to choose whether to have a repeat c/section or attempt VBAC.

What is postpartum care?

In the weeks after childbirth, it’s likely your newborn baby will be the center of your universe. Luckily, your doctor at Capital Women’s Care is there to make sure you’re in good health and recovering well.

If you show signs of postpartum, your doctor may suggest ways to improve your overall well being.


If you’re pregnant and need a skilled OB/GYN, call Capital Women’s Care or book an appointment online today.